There were several methods to could increase skill writing you so that could become great writer, especially for you that liked wrote, including the novel, the short story, paper, or the article anything. When you found that the main aim only for the happiness or possibly had aspirations to become columnist the big newspaper, could consider tips along with this.
Often read. You could begin to write well was with read well also. Drown yourself in the novel, poetry, or the article that was read by you. Read was the important step in the process wrote because only did not give the new idea concerning the matter that will be written, but also gave many vocabulary just to enrich your article.
Bought computer or notebook. Without one computer or notebook, there was no place that was suitable to accommodate and organise your idea. By bringing the laptop everywhere, then you could write where and at any time, because the inspiration could come suddenly. Will be very effective if you wrote every day. However, with the existence of the laptop or computer by you, then will facilitate your access to write or even gave the inspiration related that was good for you. Moreover, confirmed anywhere you went, you brought the pen.Go along in group wrote-wrote. Group that was meant like the community or group in the Internet. JIka Anda had the writing limitation, then released your thoughts and let all the words flowed personally. In this way, you could communicate with the other writer like you, as asking about the suggestion or the idea when you were blocked or tips that was used to write well, or spoke with the other writer. Only wrote. Did not care about anything that, or whether that far above logic, tried to continue to wrote. If you felt blocked, rested for a moment, and came back after several hours or even several following days. In this way, you will have new ideas and you could add him in your article, after resting for a moment.
Thoughts of the focus in one place. Maintain your idea and don't be mixed adukkan the idea simultaneously. This could make the reader confused if you jumped from one topic to topic other without the existence of the explanation among them. Pastika your idea could be still being developed, and should be not jumping too far from topic main. If you began to be deviant from topic main, then confirmed you could bring the contents back to topic main in the part finally. For several reasons why topic main was placed in the beginning part.
Provide time to write. If you were very busy dedicating yourself to write, then you could improvise to provide time ten minutes per the day. Many exercises made perfection, and without the exercise, then your article will appear monotonous. Setting yourself to be in peace, comfort and let words flowed in your thoughts. Increasingly many you wrote, then increasingly was easy to continue to think about developing the opener and the cover of the interesting article.
The cheque spelling and grammar that error. Although being impressed trivial, but try to get untui made the impression that was good in the article. If you wanted to show your article to the other person, and appearance of many spelling mistakes there here, then was not a single that could concentrate on to read content your article, and precisely they will become confused. For this reason, then ascertained the spelling of your article as completely as possible. The self-confidence. Trust the capacity and what you wrote, and don't be frightened once to be asked to present him or to rise to the higher level. In basically, many exercises and read, then will make you the self-confidence when making the article, anything his form.