Dec 31, 2009
Dec 30, 2009
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Dec 29, 2009

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Dec 26, 2009
Polytron MINIMAX

Polytron Audio the generation MiniMax, PNH 2100 The sale of electronics in the semester Ii 2009 that increasingly improved, was not neglected by PT Hartono Istana Teknologi, the producer Polytron. This opportunity was made use of to pedal the sale of the product audio Polytron Minimax through roadshow in several shopping centres in Jakarta. According to Public Relation & Marketing Event Manager Polytron, Saint Kadarusman, the community's response uptil now showed that Polytron MiniMax have an interest taken in it by konsumen.Untuk more introduced the product MiniMax to the community, we held roadshow in four shopping centres in Jakarta for Agustus,ungkap Saint. MiniMax was an equipment audio with input from USB, FM Radio, MPEG4/MP3 Player, CD Player and DVD Player. Equipment audio this could dismiss the voice that details and repro the bass that was tight as well as the capacity audio him has entered the category HiFi with the dimension ukuranperangkat that was smaller than micro Hi-Fi that beforehand often has circulated in the market.
Audio this also had the multimedia system with penyuara measuring small that produced the quality voice good and clear. This equipment was designed with the plan penyuara especially that was named ebangun the solidest magnet to penyuara the pole many. Increased with speaker XBR (extended bass the radiator), that made this multimedia equipment to be speaking hi-fi and sophisticated.
Law Of Love
Then how with the choice 20% - 80%?
The opposite is, loved the other person outside ourselves was good, but if we did not love ourselves also was the misfortune. How many our friend who fell in illegal drugs? That must suffer consequently, That was one of the examples of the low level of the percentage of the love for himself. (That furthermore will destroy our love to the other person) Or a mother (single parents) that did not pay attention to his health fought as hard as possible to support the two children who were loved by him was the following example. Then what was wrong? When the mother did not pay attention to his love for himself, then the machine simile that had not been arranged, at one time will be broken also. Would more was felt again when the damage happened at the time of the productivity this mother still really was needed to support this family life. At the time, the mother not only made himself suffered, but also his two children that really he loved (that was claimed exceeded
The ideal composition 50% - 50%? To just, possibly this our reason chose this composition. Again and again the composition like this was also not ideal, we were not maximal in lavishing the love, good for ourselves or for the other person. The Love candle Before we found the ideal composition, let's our eyes valve, we let ourselves in the clarity. Imagined by us that at this time had darkness that covered us, not there is a light point then that attacked entered the room. Then on our hands had a small candle that radiated the light, lighted the room. If we were not alone in the room, if in the room still there is one that is other respectively held a small candle, would we distribute the flame of the available candle on our hands?
All will possibly say PLEASE. Then why we wanted melakuka him? The reason is, because when we distributed the flame (the light) that to that was other, our candle light did not decrease itensitas him, not in the least. Moreover the room will be increasingly luminous with the flame of other candles, the room will be increasingly bright because we shared with the peer. Like the candle light so the Love, the love will not decrease at all his intensity when being divided with the peer, even the love will sprout and increasingly developing, if each one of the ourselves lighted the candles and again distributed him in that was other. Then the world will be lit by the Cinta.ahwa light
And when we were asked again, how many ideal compositions for a Love? Then in a stable manner we stated 100% - 100% The last question, how many ideal compositions for a love that was distributed for ourselves, our father, our mother, the husband/our wife, our children, our relatives, family we, our friend even our enemy. Then his answer was: 100 %, 100 %, 100%, 100%, 100 %, 100 %, 100%, 100%, 100% Because the Love will not decrease at all when being distributed to that was other, in fact he will be increasingly sprouting like the candle light that was distributed by us to that was other, he lighted and lighted the world. Greetings May You Be Successful
The Inflation article and the Impact of Inflation
Inflation Definition
Inflation is the tendency of general prices to rise in general and continuously or can be said of a phenomenon continued rising prices of goods and a variety of public input, constantly in mind that tertentu.Perlu period of rising prices from one or two items not called inflation.
The cause of inflation, can be divided into:
1. Demand Side Inflation, which is caused by the increase in aggregate demand exceeds aggregate supply increase
2. Supply Side Inflation, which is caused by the increase in aggregate supply exceeds aggregate demand
3. Supply Demand Inflation, inflation yaiti caused by a combination of an increase in aggregate demand which was followed by an increase in aggregate supply, so prices rise higher
4. Inflation or Inflation Supressed cover-up, namely inflation at a time will come and show himself as the official prices increasingly irrelevant in the fact
Characterization Inflation
1. Based on the severity of Inflation
* Inflation Lightweight (Under 10% a year)
* Inflation Medium (between 10-30% a year)
* Inflation Weight (between 50-100% a year)
* Hyper inflation (over 100% a year)
2. Because based on the early pathogenesis of Inflation
* Demand Inflation, as public demand for different goods is too strong
* Cost Inflation, due to an increase in production costs
3. Based on the origin of inflation
* Domestic Inflation, inflation has come from domestic
* Imported Inflation, inflation has come from abroad
Positive Impact of Inflation
If inflation is mild, it has a positive influence in terms of stimulating the economy could be better, ie increasing the national income and get people excited to work, save and make investments.
People who rely on income based benefits, such as businessmen, not impaired by the existence of inflation. So it is with employees who work in companies with salaries following the inflation rate.
For people who borrow money to the bank (debtor), inflation beneficial, because at the time of debt payments to creditors, the value of money is lower than at the time of borrowing. Instead, creditors or parties who lend money will incur a loss because the value of money returns lower than at the time of borrowing.
For producers, inflation can be beneficial if the income is higher than the increase of production costs. When this happens, producers will be forced to double its production (usually happens in big business).
Negative Impact of Inflation
In the event of uncontrolled inflation (hyperinflation), the situation became chaotic and the economy experienced sluggish economy. People are not excited about working, saving, or hold investments and production due to rapidly rising prices. The fixed income earners such as civil servants or private employees and workers will be overwhelmed and the balance to bear, so the price of their lives became increasingly fell and fell from time to time.
For people who have fixed income, inflation is very harmful. We take the example of a retired civil servant in 1990. In 1990, pension sufficient to meet the needs of life, but in the year 2003, or thirteen years later, the purchasing power of money may be only a half. This means that pension is no longer sufficient to meet the needs of life.
Inflation also causes people reluctant to save because of the currency goes down. Indeed, savings earn interest, but if the inflation rate on the interest, the value of money is still declining. When people are reluctant to saving, investment and would be difficult to develop. Because, to grow the business needs of the bank funds obtained from public savings.
The article about the Globalisation
Various Definitions of Globalization
Globalization as a multi dimensional phenomenon at some point bear a variety of perspectives. On the one hand, the scientists think that globalization is a paradigm of science (grand theory) in a social science course, but if we look at the broader aspects of the globalization of the resulting implications of globalization also led to significant changes to the pattern of development of world science and technology .
Globalization as a concept is always synonymous with the concept of sovereignty of a country's reduction, elimination of a state boundary, leading technology, refinement and development of the world trade transactions based on the idea of free trade.
In view of Japanese sociologists, such as Kenichi Ohmae globalization not only brings a global ideology in this case, liberal democracy, but also threaten the nation-state formation process, because globalization is essentially to bring the country without borders (Borderless).
In the early 1970s reached the stage of capitalist development and the pattern of gold at the technological developments that many adopt high technology development (high technology) but when the 1990s era of globalization comes the pattern of technological development became more humane and full of flavor.
Implications of Globalization
As an approach that has multi-dimensional implications of globalization must also be multi-implications, for example for example in the context of the development of social sciences will also indirectly implicated in changes in the world of science and technology.
In the late 18th century and early 19th century when steam engines were introduced, this time that the logic of capitalism as an economic ideology introduced.
On the other hand, the concrete in the political dimension, there are two consequences of the discovery of the steam engine, first, the competition for control of land between the landowners and the second, berkembanganya understand capitalism.
As a result of capitalism is then approaches in the social sciences to move beyond the emergence of capitalism anti Tesa ie Marxist approach, an approach that tried to break the chain and the rip cord pattern 'serakahisme' man.
In the era of the 1970s, capitalism reached the golden stage, a stage where the development of the world, especially developing countries and are building should be included in the scenario of modernization, the focus of modernization in third world countries when it is high technology-based development.
In the era that gave birth to a development scenario in the dependency (dependent development) between the third world countries and developed countries. On the other hand, this stage which gave birth to a new antitesa social science approaches in general, so-called neo-Marxist approaches.
If at this early stage of the campaign antitesa to eliminate human 'serakahisme' the economic dimension, then at an advanced stage of neo-Marxism led to the countries from the third world development scenarios in the dependency (dependent development) through economic independence and build a more robust network of inter - countries third world.
In the context of the technology world, the era of the 1970s due to the manifestation of the development of dependence (dependent development), the world's nations three more major weight technological development such as machinery and manufacturing base and a little over humanism in the development of these technologies.
In more dimensions, globalization is also producing an approach that not only are the social sciences, but also ansich barking and tangent sciences development of science and technology. These effects are manifested at least in the paradigm changes in state policy from the pressures arising from globalization developments.
This is a contrast, when globalization became a major approach in the social sciences is the development patterns of dramatic technological change, technological developments in the current era of very detailed attention to aspects of humanism and not just talking just technology but also the aspect of art and aesthetics.
For example, HP or mobile phone at present is not merely a means of communication (phone and sms) alone, more than that, the HP's enterprise vendors is no longer compete in terms of a spirit function culture-based competition 'taste' in every creation Hp as an example of Blackberry and Communicator. This concrete above which is the result of globalization approach which entered the realm of technological development. In the final conclusion, globalization is a multidimensional phenomenon that paved the limits not only the political dimension, economic, social, but also the implications to stage the world affect the development of science and technology.
The Money Market article (the Share of the Stock Exchange)
The process of selling shares on the stock exchange market (the stock market or capital market or securities exchange) generally uses an auction system (auction) so that the secondary market is also often referred to leleang market (auction market). Referred to an auction market because it is done openly and prices determined by supply (supply) and demand (requests) from exchange members, who shouted ask price (or offer price or lowest offer price for selling) and bid price (the highest asking price to buy) . New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE), Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) using an auction system, namely the purchase and sale orders in securities until the price reached an agreement.
We have the largest secondary market in the world is the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE). NYSE was founded in 1792. American Stock Exchange (AMEX) is also a secondary market in the United States.
Transactions on the stock is done by the standard order in round lot sizes, namely 100 1embar saharn (the NYSE) or multiples (the BEI, round lot is 500 sheets saharn for individual investors). Jumiah sheet less than 100 (or 500 sheets for IDX) called with odd lots. _
Investors can not directly conduct transactions on the bourses, but was represented by the broker. Investors can choose their own type of broker you want, such as full service broker or discount broker.
Full service brokers offer a complete service including the following:
1. Investment research and advice (Consultant)
Not all individual investors can melakukar. their own high-quality research due to limited funds, time and expertise. This kind of research can be provided by a bona fide broker in the form of reports or publications regularly. The research required by investors may include market trends, future prospects of a company and so forth.
2. Asset management (Lender)
Brokers can function as commercial banks, which provide loans and manage the funds entrusted. For these purposes, investors can open
account in the broker called margin accounts (margin accounts).
3. Order execution.
Without going through the service broker, buying and selling securities is not easy. For example, without going through the broker, the seller must find himself a suitable buyer at the price offered. With brokers, investors do not have to worry about with all the buying and selling activities of this.
4. Clearing
Once an order is executed, is still a lot of work to wait for subsequent administration. In addition to these administrative job long enough, they also have to be done should not deviate by all regulations and laws that apply.
Discount Broker whereas only offer the minimum services with low commissions. Discount brokers typically offer only order execution and clearing
The article & the Analysis of the Cause of the economic Crisis
Economic crisis of 1997 destroyed the global economy. Not view the economy of developing countries or developed countries. Although this crisis is more popular known as "CRISIS ASIA", but not only Asian countries are affected. All have been affected by this crisis. Which in turn affects the quality decline in the welfare of every citizen. This is due to the monetary sector is never, and will never, loose connection with the real sector. Since, however, the existence of the monetary sector with all policies and other financial institutions that sustain it can not stand alone. As good and clever as any of this sector, is essentially a facilitator for the real sector. Next, we will conduct an analysis of the impact of economic crisis for Indonesia.
1. Fenomena productivity gap (the gap productivity) are closely related to the weak or the asset allocation of production factors.
2. Fenomena diequilibrium traps (traps imbalance) associated with the production ketidakseimbanagan intersectoral structure
3. Fenomena Loan addiction (dependence on foreign debt) associated with the behavior of business actors who tend to mobilize funds in the form of foreign currency (foreign currency)
In June 1997, Indonesia seemed far from crisis. Unlike Thailand, Indonesia had low inflation, trade surplus of more than 900 million dollars, foreign currency supply a large, more than 20 billion dollars, and a good banking sector.
But many Indonesian companies borrowed a lot of U.S. dollars. In the following year, when the rupiah strengthened against the dollar, these practitioners have worked well for the company - the level and effectiveness of their debt financing costs have been reduced at the time of the local currency price increases.
In July, Thailand develop baht, Indonesian monetary authorities widened the trade route from 8 percent to 12 percent. Began suffering from a strong rupiah in August. On August 14, 1997, floating exchange regularly exchanged with the floating exchange-free. Rupiah falls more deeply. IMF aid package comes with 23 billion dollars, but the rupiah to fall deeper into debt because of fears of the company, sales dollars, a strong dollar demand. Rupiah and the Jakarta Stock Exchange touched the lowest point in Septemer. Moody's lowered the long-term debt Indonesia to "junk bond".
Although the rupiah crisis began in July and August, the crisis was strengthened in November when the effects of devaluation in the summer appeared in corporate balance sheets. Companies that borrowed in dollars have to face greater costs caused by the decrease in the rupiah, and many reacted by buying dollars, that is: sell dollars, lowering prices even further rupiah.
Inflation of the rupiah and the increase in food prices caused confusion in this country. In February 1998, President Suharto sacked the governor of Bank Indonesia, but this is not enough. Suharto was forced to resign in mid 1998 and BJ Habibie became president.
1. Need to reform governance and development management. For example, How can vulnerability Indonesia fee structure focused only on one side of the problem is with the establishment of Export team. Fitting, the government reviewed deeper problem, namely on the production and distribution.
2. Reform the system of decision-making. If governments want to intervene, its effectiveness is determined by the precise timing and adequate magnitut.
3. Institutional development needed to sustain the increased dynamics of the healthy economy that could reduce the cost of transactions (transaction cost).
The article system Indonesian islamic canon law banking
Definition of Islamic Banking can be interpreted as a developed banking system based on sharia (law) Islam. Business establishment of this system is based on the prohibition in Islamic religion to pick up or borrow with interest or so-called ban on usury and investment for businesses classified as haram (example: business relating to the production of food / drink unlawful, efforts are un-Islamic media, etc. ), where this can not be guaranteed by the conventional banking system.
1. Payment of loans with different value of the loan value with a predetermined value is not allowed.
2. Funders to contribute to share profits and losses as a result of institutional efforts to borrow funds.
3. Islam does not allow the "make money from money". Money is only a medium of exchange and not a commodity that has no intrinsic value.
4. Element gharar (uncertainty, speculation) is not allowed. Both parties must know very well the results they would get from a transaction.
5. Investments should only be given to efforts that are not forbidden in Islam. Such liquor business should not be funded by Islamic banks.
Islamic banking in Indonesia, was first pioneered by the Bank Artha Graha of Indonesia was founded in 1991. Banks are at the beginning of the establishment initiated by the Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) and the government and received support from the Association of Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals (ICMI) and some Muslim businessmen. At the time of monetary crisis that occurred in late 1990, the bank was having trouble so that the remaining equity is only one third of initial capital. IDB and then give an injection of funds to these banks and in the 1999-2002 period can be up and generating profits.
Until the year 2007 there were 3 institutions of sharia banks in Indonesia, Bank Artha Graha of Indonesia, Bank Syariah Mandiri and Bank Mega Syariah. Meanwhile, commercial banks that already have sharia business unit is among 19 banks are large banks such as Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) and Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero).
Islamic system has also been used by rural banks, has now developed 104 BPR Syariah.
Islamic banks working principle is the rule of Islamic law based on agreement between the bank and other parties for storage of funds and / or financing activities or other activities in accordance with Syariah.
The Otonomi article of the Area and paper Indonesian economics
Regional autonomy (Otonomi Daerah) is a state that allows regions to actualize all the potentials are the best he had to realize optimal.Dimana these circumstances, applies the proposition that basically all the issues properly submitted to the region to identify, formulate, and solve it, except for matters which are can not be resolved by the region itself in the perspective of the integrity of the nation-state.
*Implementation of regional autonomy implemented with the aspect of democracy, justice, equity and diversity and the potential for regional
*Implementation of regional autonomy based on broad autonomy, real and responsible
*Implementation of regional autonomy and the whole vast region located in the district and the city was in provincial areas is limited autonomy
*Implementation of regional autonomy should be in accordance with the state constitution
*Implementation of regional autonomy should be more autonomous local self tying
*Implementation of regional autonomy should further enhance the role and functions of local legislative bodies
*Implementation of the principle of deconcentration is placed on the area in his capacity as provincial administrative regions
*Implementation of the principle of the duty of assistance from the government and the rural areas with infrastructure financing and human resources with the obligation to report and be accountable to the assigned
*High Economic Cost in the form of levies blind. Regional autonomy could change the nature of the "Financial Anarchism"
*High Economic Cost in the form of service learning
*Orientation of local government in cash inflow, not the income
*Local Government can be a "Dracula" for the children of their own enterprises-enterprises that are under shade. May not be the mode through the sale of assets, but through local authorities policies difficult rejected by the leadership ranks of public enterprises
*Because the fund focuses on local government revenues can forget the evidentiary criteria of sustainable
*The emergence of barriers to the mobility of resources
*Potential conflicts between local government regarding the distribution of charges
*The rise of egocentrism
*Because the degree of success more autonomy based on the financial aspects of local government can forget the mission and vision of true autonomy.
*The emergence of kolutif relationship between the executive and legislative branches in the region.
*Officials must be able to do certain policies so that human resources are in the center can be distributed to the regions
*Officials must make the political empowerment of citizens is carried out through political education and the existence of non-governmental organization community, the media and others.
*Local officials must be responsible and honest
*The existence of cooperation between officials and the public
*And the priority is regional government officials should be able to understand the principles of local autonomy.
*Formulate a legal framework that meets the aspirations for autonomy at the provincial level and in line with the decentralization strategy in bertahap.Untuk that need to be prepared for revising the Act No.22 and No.25, including the socialization efforts of substantial public and parliament in national and local levels.
*Develop an implementation plan with respect to decentralization factors affecting the guarantee continuity of service to the community, treatment of the balance between the regions, and ensure a sustainable fiscal policy.
*To maintain the momentum of decentralization, the central government needs to start immediately decentralization measures, but limited to sectors which obviously is the authority and the City and County can be submitted.
*The process of autonomy can not be seen as merely the duties and responsibilities of the minister or the minister of state autonomy in the country, but requires coordination and cooperation from all areas of the Cabinet (Economy, Welfare & Taskin, and the Political and Security Affairs).
Decorated the House for the more Comfortable House
The first matter that was necessary in considered was the function. If we wanted to make our office join with our bedroom, we must choose-milih perabot that was needed. During arranged perabot we must also arrange the function from perabot-perabot that. Consider widely your room, lest you placed perabot that was not needed so as perabot that was needed even could not you input. That was second was the illumination. Make use of the light not only for information then, But also to cause certain effects. Effects that was caused by this light will possibly cause the special impression that made us feel at home was dirumah. The third matter in mendekor the house was to pay attention to the condition for your environment with perabot that would you input in the house. Don't memasukan objects were easy to fall and break if your house environment the earthquake danger, you not want to perabot you were destroyed with no use not? Sometimes the colour that the contrast will cause the special attraction. Adapt the colour perabot you with the colour of your house, used the colour of the contrast but try to get so that still harmonious. The colour of the good contrast will cause the attraction, but if we used the colour that the contrast but not harmonious then that will emerge was not more beautiful.
If you bought a second-hand house, you must consider many another thing. Many houses were sold with perabot-perabot him. If the owner of the house that beforehand had bad decoration appetite then you must do matters extra to make your house increasingly beautiful, like organised repeated your house. Thus will need time and money that more because sometimes we also must sell perabot available and bought perabot just that was more appropriate. But you bought the second-hand house that had your good decoration might not mendekor repeated your house.
Dec 25, 2009
Toshiba Tecra A9 Notebook
- Sistem Operasi : Windows Vista Business (32-bit)
- Intel Core 2 Duo Processor T7500 (2.20GHz, 4MB L2, 800MHz FSB)
- Mobile Intel P965 Express Chipset
- Intel Wireless WiFi Link 4965AGN (802.11a/g/n)
- 2GB 1GB x 2 PC2-5300 DDR2 SDRAM (maximum capacity 4GB)
- Harddisk : 160GB Fujitsu MHW2120BH
- 8x DVD (+/-R double layer) drive
- 15.4" diagonal widescreen TFT LCD display at 1680x1050 (WSXGA+, Matte)
- 256MB NVIDIA Quadro NVS 130M (up to 255MB additional shared)
- Bluetooth version 2.0 plus Enhanced Data Rate (EDR)
- Type II PC-Card Slot
- 5-in-1 media card reader
- VGA out, Mic/Headphone connectors, IEEE-1394 (FireWire), Three USB 2.0 ports, Serial Legacy Port, 1Gb LAN, Docking Connector
- 5100mAh Lithium Ion battery, dapat bertahan sekitar 3 jam lebih, tergantung pada aktifitas pemakaian.
- 3-Year Standard Limited Warranty
The vista & Hello 3 boosted up Microsoft's Income
On the other hand, this also reflected the success in reducing the hijacking figure of the application that uptil now often caused a loss to the developer's side like Microsoft. The hijacking figure personally decreased around 5 percent in his development. Of course this was the news that was pleasing for all the sides, especially the developer who often incurred a loss by the conduct of the hijackers uptil now. For the launching of the Halo 3, Microsoft saw the increase in the income around 90 percent in the field of ‘Entertainment and Devices’. Till at this time according to General Manager Investor Relations from Microsoft, Colleen Healy to, to at this time Microsoft sold more than 1.8 million Xbox units 360 in this quarter, that not yet including the prediction of the sale that possibly still will be increasing again in the cold season holiday later.
Gateway E-475 M. Notebook most Fast

E-475 M. was the newest generation notebook Gateway that offered the blend performance that was first-rate was supported with resistance battery that was high. Then this Gateway E-475 M., with the elegant design and ‘otak’ just from Intel mobile Dual Core Processor, made E-475 M. as some notebook fastest at this time with resistance battery that was satisfactory. E-475 M. indeed was designed classic black as notebook the business generally like his predecessor, M.-465 E. with the design arch clamsell and Intel processor equipment 2.2-GHz Core 2 of Duo T7500, memory 2 GB quite supportive the speed E-475 M. as notebook fastest that operated on Windows the Vista. Moreover Gateway E-475 M. this also with really was easy and fast undertook the application of the high class like game-game 3D, although the quality of his voice was not so special. Along with was the complete specification from notebook 'super' this:
- Processor Intel Core 2 Duo T7500
- Memory 2 GB
- Sistem Operasi Windows Vista Business
- Display (Projector) / Diagonal Size: 15.4
- Storage Hard Drive : 100 GB
- Layar WXSGA 1680 x 1050
- Optical Storage / Type: DVD±RW Double Layer
Office Live Workspace began to clear the Internet
Could not be ignored, the competition between the online product of the document service indeed increasingly the lustre. All the efforts were carried out by Google apostr s to overcome Microsoft, among them by launching an application equipment of the presentation, whereas IBM also did not want to be left behind by launching application equipment of the document gratisan him the Symphony Lotus that according to a source has didownload more than 1,000 times in the first week his launching. In the meantime Adobe in the first week in October this year will announce Virtual Ubiquity, a beginning of the production of the application of the word processor used Adobe apostr s Flash and Technologies WATER that was named Buzzword. Adobe also introduced a service to change the document through web that was acknowledged as Share.
For Microsoft personally, Office Live Workspace was a strategy to provide the service of the document of the processing service in an online manner, so as the user no longer need to change to the application of the desktop at the time of online. This was of course done by Microsoft as the strategy to continue to control the application market of the document, permanently put the Office application forward 'traditional' him. Therefore, Microsoft was also launching the version hosting from Exchange the e-mail and calendar his program, and the application SharePoint the portal and Office Communications Server him that was utilised as the application that handled communication instant in a company or the office. According to CEO Microsoft, Steve Ballmer, all the applications of this service will immediately be launched and Microsoft handled both of them with very carefully.
Initially this project was planned by mobilising more than 5,000 people to handle him. Microsoft was Online Services, just as this project was mentioned, was a project that was known as the continuation from a project that took place for 2 years that involved the computation company outsourcing like Energizer Holdings and XL Capital. < style="margin-bottom: 0in align="> for the Office Live Workspace launching that will come, Microsoft planned to not make the advertisement for the publication, because of this application be drafted in order to be able to show his 'advertisement' in the period that will come. Another thing that was planned for this application was to integrate him with the online Mirosoft product that was other like Windows Live Hotmail and Windows Live Messenger, So that the user could see file attachment Office that they could through the email or IM. Microsoft also drafted this application could not be used edited in an online manner, but on the other hand the officials of the executive Microsoft stressed that they felt very responsible on the development of document technology in an online manner, including inside was in the online matter editing. How finally this application diperlengkapi eventually, could be seen by us in the future at the time of his launching.
Fujitsu LifeBook P8020, Good-looking With Multi- Touch Pad

Fujitsu released one upgraded LifeBook, P8020. The laptop of Fujitsu LifeBook P8020 was the laptop ultraportabel that had the LCD screen 12 inch, that was unique, more modern was compared the Centrino platform era 2, and multi-touch trackpad. The user also could undertake gesture trackpad with two fingers, like mtion in Apple to zoom in or out, resembled the movement coiled to scrolling like in iPod. The configuration of Fujitsu LifeBook P8020 this dibandrol with the USD price 1.799 and brought the tension 1.4GHz from processor Intel Core 2 Duo, the memory 2GB, one harddisk 120GB and one DVD built-in burner. LifeBook P8020 was also equipped with standard the video of GMA 4500MHD, and according to plan will be released from next month in U.S.
The specification of Fujitsu LifeBook P8020:
- Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Processor Ultra Low Voltage SU9400 (1.4 GHz, 3 MB L2 cache, 800 MHz FSB)
- Genuine Windows Vista® Business, Bonus Media
- with Microsoft® Office Ready PC and
- Microsoft® Office Professional 2007 60-Day Trial
- ENERGY STAR® Compliant
- 12.1" Crystal View WXGA display
- Built-in Webcam for Instant Messaging
- Integrated Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 4500MHD
- 2 GB DDR3 800 MHz SDRAM memory (2 GB x 1)
- 120 GB S-ATA 150, 5400 rpm hard drive
- Multinational2 56K3 V.92 modem and Gigabit Ethernet LAN
- Intel® Wireless Wi-Fi Link 5300AGN (3 x 3)
- Dual-Layer Multi-Format DVD Writer
- Embedded TPM and Fingerprint Sensor
- Resistant keyboard with gesture-enabled touchpad
- Main battery: Lithium ion (6-cell, 8700 mAh)
- M-Code FPCM21731
- One-year International Limited Warranty
Asus X71SL, Laptop 17 Inch Harddisk 320GB

Notebook Asus X71SL was maximised for the aim entertainment, had display widescreen 17 inch, graphics Nvidia, memory internal 4GB, harddisk 320GB, webcam 1,3 megapiksel, Bluetooth's connection, and DVD super multi drive. The laptop of Asus Asus X71SL this was equipped with processor Intel Core 2 Duo with the speed 2.26GHz, SDRAM DDR2 4GB, display 17 inch TFT active matrix, and could go in Microsoft Windows the Business Vista or downgrade to Windows XP professional. The dimension of this laptop was interesting enough, 16,4 x 11.9 x 1,5 inch, as well as the price of the laptop that was substantial around 4kg this dibandrol the price as big as $1,299.
The specification of the laptop of Asus X71SL:
- System Type: Notebook
- Built-in Devices:
- Speaker, wireless LAN antenna
- Width: 16.1 in
- Depth: 11.7 in
- Height: 1.7 in
- Weight: 8.2 lbs
- Processor : Intel Core 2 Duo P8400 / 2.26 GHz
- Multi-Core Technology: Dual-Core 64-bit Computing
- Chipset Type: SiSM671DX
- RAM 4 GB / 4 GB (max)
- Technology: DDR2 SDRAM, 667 MHz
- Hard Drive: 320 GB, Serial ATA-150, 5400 rpm
- Optical Storage : DVD±RW (±R DL) / DVD-RAM
- Card Reader 8 in 1 card reader
- Supported Flash Memory Cards: SD Memory Card, Memory Stick, Memory Stick PRO, MultiMediaCard, Memory Stick Duo
- Display : 17" TFT 1440 x 900 ( WXGA+ ) Widescreen
- Features: Zero Bright Dot, Color Shine, ASUS Splendid Video Intelligence Technology, glare
- Graphics Processor / Vendor: NVIDIA GeForce 9300M GS
- Video Memory: 256 MB
- Audio : Sound card High Definition Audio
- Audio Input: Microphone
- Notebook Camera : Integrated 1.3 Megapixel
- Input Device(s) : Mouse, keyboard, touchpad
- Features: Built-in numeric keyboard, Telecom, Modem 56 Kbps, Network adapter, Security lock slot (cable lock sold separately), system password, hard drive password, Express Gate
- Data Link Protocol: Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11n (draft)
- Compliant Standards: IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11n (draft)
- Expansion Slots Total (Free): 2 memory , 1 ( 1 ) x ExpressCard
- Interfaces: 1 x microphone, input, mini-phone 3.5 mm , 1 x audio, SPDIF output/headphones , 1 x display / video, VGA, 15 pin HD D-Sub (HD-15) , 4 x Hi-Speed USB, 4 pin USB Type A , 1 x IEEE 1394 (FireWire)
- Power : Battery 5200 mAh 8-cell
- Operating System / Software : Microsoft Windows Vista Business / XP Professional downgrade
- Manufacturer Warranty : 2 years warranty
Become A Great Writer

There were several methods to could increase skill writing you so that could become great writer, especially for you that liked wrote, including the novel, the short story, paper, or the article anything. When you found that the main aim only for the happiness or possibly had aspirations to become columnist the big newspaper, could consider tips along with this.
Often read. You could begin to write well was with read well also. Drown yourself in the novel, poetry, or the article that was read by you. Read was the important step in the process wrote because only did not give the new idea concerning the matter that will be written, but also gave many vocabulary just to enrich your article.
Bought computer or notebook. Without one computer or notebook, there was no place that was suitable to accommodate and organise your idea. By bringing the laptop everywhere, then you could write where and at any time, because the inspiration could come suddenly. Will be very effective if you wrote every day. However, with the existence of the laptop or computer by you, then will facilitate your access to write or even gave the inspiration related that was good for you. Moreover, confirmed anywhere you went, you brought the pen.Go along in group wrote-wrote. Group that was meant like the community or group in the Internet. JIka Anda had the writing limitation, then released your thoughts and let all the words flowed personally. In this way, you could communicate with the other writer like you, as asking about the suggestion or the idea when you were blocked or tips that was used to write well, or spoke with the other writer. Only wrote. Did not care about anything that, or whether that far above logic, tried to continue to wrote. If you felt blocked, rested for a moment, and came back after several hours or even several following days. In this way, you will have new ideas and you could add him in your article, after resting for a moment.
Thoughts of the focus in one place. Maintain your idea and don't be mixed adukkan the idea simultaneously. This could make the reader confused if you jumped from one topic to topic other without the existence of the explanation among them. Pastika your idea could be still being developed, and should be not jumping too far from topic main. If you began to be deviant from topic main, then confirmed you could bring the contents back to topic main in the part finally. For several reasons why topic main was placed in the beginning part.
Provide time to write. If you were very busy dedicating yourself to write, then you could improvise to provide time ten minutes per the day. Many exercises made perfection, and without the exercise, then your article will appear monotonous. Setting yourself to be in peace, comfort and let words flowed in your thoughts. Increasingly many you wrote, then increasingly was easy to continue to think about developing the opener and the cover of the interesting article.
The cheque spelling and grammar that error. Although being impressed trivial, but try to get untui made the impression that was good in the article. If you wanted to show your article to the other person, and appearance of many spelling mistakes there here, then was not a single that could concentrate on to read content your article, and precisely they will become confused. For this reason, then ascertained the spelling of your article as completely as possible. The self-confidence. Trust the capacity and what you wrote, and don't be frightened once to be asked to present him or to rise to the higher level. In basically, many exercises and read, then will make you the self-confidence when making the article, anything his form.
Microsoft launched Free Software Tools

Microsoft created the business program BizSpark, to help undertook software start-up and to entrepreneur. This business program will provide the company that used software start-up, with tool development full-featured, product server and product license from product server with without the existence of the cost in front. However, Microsoft will increase charge this program as big as $100 if leaving the program.
The company's qualification for the program BizSpark that is if the company undertook his business was minimal three years and had revenue or the minimal income $1 million. The program BizSpark this was divided into six divisions, business applications, collaboration, consumer, enterprise infrastructure, mobility and online content and service.
BizSpark personally was created by professional Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) for three years. MSDN permitted the developer to mendwonload tool development that was needed to build, dripped and memantain an application in Microsoft's platform, including Microsoft Visual Studio and Microsoft .NET Framework.
To software start-up, Bizspark covered product license to hosting the application and management server, including Windows Server, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Office SharePoint the Server Portal, BizTalk Server and Systems Center, and Microsoft Dynamics CRM to in the future. This program also provided global network from the partner hosting that offered the service hosting to start-up, in order to undertakes the company's business or product online.Sebagai in addition that was offered by the program BizSpark, software start-up also could use technology cloud service Microsoft other, like access to CTP (Community Technology Preview) from Azure Services Platform and access to CTP Live Framework.
Turned MP3 with Kingston K-PEX 100, greated

By the number MP3 player that was scattered, including most vendor put flash memory inside, then did not startle when Kingston went along released MP3/MP4 portable player belonging to him. Kingston personally was the RAM manufacture company and flash memory, but also K-PEX 100 (Kingston Personal Entertainment Experience) that was new, that will become the solid product with the capacity 1Gb/2Gb in the media's market player. The surplus from the media player Kingston K-PEX 100 came from his quality that was good, his measurement that was small dipadu with one set fitur that was complete, also speaker built-in, File Manager. Now for his weakness including time start and shutdown that was old, the nonexistence of AC Adapter, even the USB cable that met standard, also Transcoder that was more incompatible with many video codes.
The Kingston specification of K-PEX 100 Personal Media Player:
•Capacity : 1 or 2 GB built-in storage with extra Mini-SD card slot for additional memory
•Size : 3.7” x 1.8” x 0.57” (9.4 cm x 4.5 cm x 1.4 cm)
•Weight : 0.14 lbs. (65 g)
•Screen : 2” (5.0 cm) color TFT LCD; resolution 220 x 176
•U.I. Language : English, Spanish, Japanese, Simplified / Tradition Chinese, Portuguese, Korean, Russian
•Formats : supports audio and video file formats
•Video : MPX format, requires Transcoder software to convert WMV, ASF,MPEG 1 & 2 and AVI formats
•Music : Audio formats: MP3, WAV, WMA, OGG (Q10), Audio ASF. EQ setting with manual and preconfigured options
•Photo : Compatible with JPEG picture files
•Text : Supports TXT format
•Extra Features : FM radio, Games, Voice Recorder, Built-In Speaker
•Battery Life : up to 17 hours of rechargeable-lithium battery life (Kingston Specification)
•Data Transfer : USB Hi-speed 2.0-compliant
•Included Accessories : USB 2.0/1.1 cable, earphones, Transcoder software CD, protective cover, user manual, line-in cable and lanyard
•System Requirements : Pentium 200 MHz or better, Windows XP and 2000, Windows Media Player (9.0 or higher), 50 MB free hard disk space and USB 2.0/1.1 support
•Warranty : One year
Nokia N77 was the mobile phone

Nokia N77 was the mobile phone that carried the concept mobile TV. Apart From fitur mobile the TV, Nokia N77 also was equipped digital music player with the quality speaker stereo. Mobile TV was produced in the flat screen (the flat screen) 2.4 inch that was supported by 16 million colours, guaranteed the quality of the picture that ‘hidup’ although in the mini screen.
Along with this was the complete specification from Nokia N77:
Operating Frequency :
* Dual-mode: WCDMA2100/EGSM900/1800/1900 MHz or EDGE only: EGSM 900/1800/1900 MHz.
* DVB-H 470-750 MHz
Dimensions :
* Volume: 92 cc
* Weight: 114 g
* Length: 111 mm
* Width: 50 mm
* Thickness (max): 18.8 mm
Display and User Interface :
* Active matrix 2.4" QVGA color display with wide viewing angle: 320 x 240 pixels, up to 16 million colors
* Five -way navikey, two soft keys, application key, clear key, send and end keys, operator service keys, ITU-T keypad
* Dedicated key for mobile tv
* Dedicated key for camera
* Multimedia key provides direct access to predefined applications
* Volume/zoom key
* Operating System: Symbian OS
* User Interface: S60 3rd Edition
Memory Functions :
* Up to 20 megabytes* of internal dynamic memory
* Hot swap slot for easy microSD memory card insertion and removal, supporting up to 2GB microSD cards
Power Management :
* Talk time for GSM: up to 270 minutes (GSM)
* Talk time for WCDMA: up to 210 minutes (WCDMA)
* Standby time: up to 7.5 days
* Mobile TV watch time: up to 5.0 hours
* MP3 playback time: up to 11 hours with the inbox Stereo Headset with media remote controls (HS-28 + AD-41)
Call Management :
* Contacts: advanced contacts database with support for multiple phone and e-mail details per entry
* Speed dialing, voice dialing and command
* Call logs: keeps lists of your dialed, received, and missed calls
* Automatic redial
* Automatic answer (works with compatible headset or car kit only)
* Supports fixed dialing number, which allows calls only to predefined numbers
* Conference call
* Nokia Push to talk (PoC)
Voice Features :
* Speaker Independent Name Dialing (SIND)
* Voice commands
* Voice recorder
* Integrated handsfree speaker
Data Transfer :
* WCDMA 2100 MHz with simultaneous voice and packet data
* Dual Transfer Mode (DTM) support for simultaneous voice and packet data connection in GSM/EDGE networks. Simple class A, multi slot class 11, max speed DL/UL: 236.8/177.6 kbits/s
* EGPRS class B, multi slot class 32, max speed DL/UL= 296 / 177.6 kbits/s
* Speech codecs supported: AMR/EFR/FR/HR
Connectivity :
* Integrated Bluetooth wireless technology (1.2). A2D profile support for stereo headset with Bluetooth wireless
* USB 2.0 via Pop-Port™ interface and mass storage class support to support drag and drop functionality
* Nokia Nseries PC Suite connectivity with USB and Bluetooth wireless technology
* Local synchronization of contacts and calendar to a compatible PC using compatible connection
* Remote over-the-air synchronization
* Send and receive images, video clips, graphics, and business cards via Bluetooth wireless technology
Office Applications :
* Quickoffice document viewers (Quickword, Quickpoint, Quicksheet)
* Adobe PDF reader
Java™ Applications :
* Java™ MIDP 2.0, CLDC 1.1 (Connected Limited Device Configuration (J2ME))
* Over-the-air download of Java-based applications and games
Other Applications :
* Personal Information Management (PIM)
* Advanced S60 PIM features including calendar, contacts, to-do list, and PIM printing
* Settings Wizard for easy configuration of e-mail and Push to Talk settings
* Data transfer application for transfer of PIM information from other compatible Nokia devices
Digital Services :
* Java™ and Symbian applications available from Nokia Software Market
* Download tones, graphics, themes, applications and videos
Mobile TV :
* DVB-H based mobile TV with internal antenna (470-750 MHz)
* Dedicated TV application for selection, purchase, and consumption of TV programs
* Replay of TV program (up to 30 seconds) and a reminder setting via Program Guide
* Mobile TV interactive services for example voting
* Channel and content protection: OMA DRM2.0, IPsec.
* Integrated DVB-H. Video/audio codecs: H.264 AVC 384kbps@QVGA 15fps/QCIF 30fps and AAC up to 128kbps)
* Automatic channel discovery
* Organize channels in your favorite order
* Up to 50 channels (a mix of TV and radio channels)* and 5 hours watchtime
* Multiple subscription and payment methods (pay TV including previews, free-to-air, pay per view)
Imaging and Video :
* 2 megapixel camera (1600 x 1200 pixels) with up to 16x digital zoom, LED flash
* CIF camera (352 x 288) with up to 2x digital zoom
* New improved gallery with direct editing, printing and sharing
* Easy management, organization and transfer of images and video clips
* Two way video call (WCDMA service)
* Rotating gallery
* Online album/blog: photo/video uploading from gallery
* Nokia Lifeblog support
* Video and still image editors
* On device photo editor and video editor
* Slideshow from gallery with music
* Print digital photos directly from the device to compatible printers
* Transfer photos directly to compatible printer or kiosk via Bluetooth wireless technology, memory card or directly to PictBridge-compliant printer via USB cable
* Sharing via e-mail or Bluetooth with full image quality or via MMS, with automatic resizing of images to fit MMS. • Two-way video call capability
Music Features :
* Digital music player optimized for music listening with enhanced on the go playlist management
* Support for MP3/AAC/AAC+/eAAC+/WMA with playlists and equalizer
* Rip your CDs, and convert and transfer music to your device using Nokia Audio Manager
* Share playlists with your friends over Bluetooth wireless technology, MMS, or e-mail
* OMA DRM 2.0 support for music
* Stereo FM radio (87.5-108MHz)* with Visual Radio support
* High quality stereo speakers
* Ringing tones with 3D sound effect
* Nokia Stereo Headset HS-28 with remote control (AD-41) included in standard sales package
* Support for up to 2GB microSD card
Visual Radio :
* Listen to music and interact with your favorite radio stations
* Find out what song is playing, who sings it, and other artist information
* Enter contests and answer surveys, vote for your favorite songs
* Find out more about Visual Radio
Messaging :
* Easy-to-use e-mail client with attachment, supports SMTP, IMAP4, POP3
* Instant Messaging
* Multimedia messaging: combine image, video, text, and audio clip and send as MMS
* Automatic resizing of images to fit MMS (max. 300 KB attachment size depending on the network)
* Text messaging: supports concatenated SMS, picture messaging, SMS distribution list
Browsing :
* Nokia Web Browser with Mini Map
* WAP/OMA and W3C standards support: WAP 2.0, XHTML, XHTML MP, HTML 4.01, CSS, ECMAScript and
JavaScript :
* Full Web compatibility with support for popular markup languages, scripting languages, and style sheets
* Support for forms, tables, frames, and image maps
* File upload over HTTP using standard HTML forms
* Page layout and in-page navigation optimised for content type
* Search and find capabilities
* Adaptive history list
* Integration with telephony (dial via a link on the page) and image galleries (view/save images)
* Bookmarks database
* Web Feeds (RSS)
* OMA DRM 1.0 - including forward lock for content protection, combined delivery and separate delivery
Multimedia Player (RealPlayer) :
* Stream media files from compatible media portals ]
* Supported video formats: H. 263, MPEG-4, H.264 AVC, RealVideo 8/9/10
* Full-screen video playback on the device to view downloaded, streamed or recorded video clips in larger size
Standard Sales Package Contents :
* Nokia N77
* Nokia Battery BP-6M
* Nokia Travel Charger AC-4
* Nokia Connectivity Cable CA-53
* Stereo Headset with media remote control (HS-28 + AD-41)
* CD-ROM: Nokia Nseries PC suite & Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition
* User documentation: user guide, get started quide and warranty card
Michel Saul Dell, Great Guy and Superior Business Model – Part 1
The other profit, by means of the ordering like that Dell could more issue the newest computer model, reduced the dependence on the shop peritel the computer and got supplies of the computer component from all over the world. Therefore, the chain of the Dell supplier became very efficient.
The innovation of this Michael Dell afterwards became very famous and became the study in ranah academic. The business university or the great management of the world, like
Although currently handed over CEO's relay race stick to Kevin Rollins, former COO (Chief Operating Officer) Dell since July 2004, the role of Michael Dell in flowing the company stayed dominant. He at this time held the office of the Chairman. On July 10 2006, he again made the innovation new. The man born in this February 23 1965 changed his company's strategy in advertising. They no longer feature the specification or the sophistication of the computer that was sold by him. “Dell more memersonalisasikan his advertisement and more stressed the emotional or humane aspect his user, that is how made use of the computer for the activity fun as playing games or doing the video editing,” flat Michael Dell.
Dell really realised that currently even more people use the computer to turn file digital music, edited the video, shared the digital and playing photograph game online. That in fact also has been done by the competitor Dell, Hewlett Packard (the MOBILE PHONE). The MOBILE PHONE launched the featuring campaign of “The Computer Is Personal Again” by enclosing the speaking celebrity how they used his computer. Steps in this Dell innovation produced results. Might be counted kiprah Dell built his company while 22 years made this company the business entity that most was loved by the media, and placed his company as the biggest computer company in the world at this time.
The secret of the Success (Sindo 14/7/06) Michael Dell could be made an abstract of to one: care and courage carried out the innovation or the new breakthrough. He was not motionless in long methods/conventional in the problem of the production, marketing or advertising. He always tried to do something that was different, carried out the innovation and created trend just.